07715 Zip Code

Preferred / Primary City

Belmar, New Jersey

Current Time

America/New York Time Zone

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Cities within the 07715 Zip Code

The US Post Office accepts mail for the 07715 zip code for the accepted cities below. Often the primary or preferred city may not be the city where the zip code is located, but the city for the 07715 zip code is usually the name of the main post office. When mailing your letters or packages, ensure to include the preferred or acceptable cities. Sending mail not labeled to accepted cities, or cities in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays in delivery.

Preferred / Primary City

Belmar, NJ

Unacceptable Cities

Nj Natural Gas Co

07715 Zip Code Overview & Information

You can use the information below to better understand the population, household, and financial statistics for the 07715 Zip Code if you are considering a move to the area, or just want to get a better overview of the Belmar, NJ area.

Zip Code Type



Monmouth County

Latitude and Longitude
Latitude & Longitude

40.17, -74.02