72416 Zip Code

Preferred / Primary City

Bono, Arkansas

Current Time

America/Chicago Time Zone

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Cities within the 72416 Zip Code

The US Post Office accepts mail for the 72416 zip code for the accepted cities below. Often the primary or preferred city may not be the city where the zip code is located, but the city for the 72416 zip code is usually the name of the main post office. When mailing your letters or packages, ensure to include the preferred or acceptable cities. Sending mail not labeled to accepted cities, or cities in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays in delivery.

Preferred / Primary City

Bono, AR

72416 Zip Code Overview & Information

The 72416 zip code population is smaller (5,661) than the country average (11,077). The median rental unit is priced at $811, while current homes retain a median home value of $124,200. The 72416 zip code has a median income of $58,622, with 10.9% of the population living at or below the poverty line.

You can use the information below to better understand the population, household, and financial statistics for the 72416 Zip Code if you are considering a move to the area, or just want to get a better overview of the Bono, AR area.

Zip Code Type



Craighead County



Population Density
Population Density

64 people per sq. mi.



Median Home Value
Median Home Value


Nedian Rent
Median Rent


Median Income
Median Income


% in Poverty


Land Area
Land Area

88.73 sq. mi.

Water Area
Water Area

0.23 sq. mi.

Latitude and Longitude
Latitude & Longitude

35.91, -90.79

72416 Zip Code Demographics

The people living in the 72416 zip code are predominantly White. The largest age group are people in their 30s, while the number of middle aged adults (those in their 40s - 60s) make up 36% of the population. The highest education level in the 72416 zip code is primarily a High School Degree.

* The data displayed below is provided by the US Census Bureau

Estimated Population Over the Years

The chart below represents the population changes over the years between 2005 to 2020 in the 72416 Zip Code.

Age Groups


Male 2,890 51.1%
Female 2,771 48.9%


HS Graduate 86.91%
Bachelor's Degree 23.37%
Graduate Degree 7.01%


White 5,135 88.2%
Black / African American 132 2.27%
Native / Alaskan American 12 0.21%
Asian 6 0.1%
Hawaiian / Pacific Islander 1 0.02%
Latino / Hispanic 161 2.77%
Other 77 1.32%
Two or More Races 298 5.12%